A day in the life of a project manager at Nava
Michelle Garfinkel describes her day-to-day work keeping teams on track as a project manager.
Nava Public Benefit Corporation and Nava United reach collective bargaining agreement
Nava and Nava United announce three-year collective bargaining agreement.
Nava supporting remote work from Missouri and Nevada
This move enables us to deliver on our mission by sourcing the best talent from across the U.S.
A day at Nava as a capture manager
Eliza Young-Ferguson, a capture manager, describes her day-to-day work helping Nava build its state portfolio.
How to use LinkedIn and other social media to attract recruiters
Learn more about using LinkedIn and other social media platforms to connect job seekers with recruiters.
Becoming a scrum lead at Nava
Hanya Moharram, a Designer/Researcher on Nava's PFML team, shares her thoughts on becoming a scrum lead.
Becoming a civic designer: Making the move from private to public sector
Join us for a discussion about making the move from private to public sector at Civic Design 2022
A day at Nava as a senior engineer
Kat Tipton, a senior engineer, describes the joys of software archeology and Nava’s strong culture of mentorship.
Interviewing at Nava: Preparing for your portfolio presentation
A portfolio presentation is a chance to show off your work and share your process. Here are some tips to help you prepare.
Learning front-end development as a designer
Nava’s culture of thoughtful mentorship and support is designed to help people learn new skills on the job.
A day at Nava as a software engineer
Sharon Warner, a software engineer, describes collaborative coding and Nava’s culture of acknowledgment and appreciation.
When it comes to feedback, start with yourself
Learning how to effectively give and receive significant feedback is the foundation for personal development and growth as a leader.
A day at Nava as a security engineer
Mohib Rizvi, a security engineer, describes building security architecture and the importance of mission-driven work.
A day at Nava as a program director
Angela Colter, a program director, describes her past experience working in government and collaborating with Nava’s top-notch technical team.
A day at Nava as a program strategist
Martelle Esposito, a program strategist, describes Nava’s multidisciplinary culture and connecting public policy with technology.
Alsia Plybeah, a software engineer, describes working with government stakeholders and starting at Nava’s apprenticeship program.
A day at Nava as an infrastructure engineer
Wei Leong, an infrastructure engineer, describes coding in legacy systems and working at home during the pandemic.
Using ADRs to help a growing team get on the same page
Along the course of any major project, priorities and teams shift. ADRS help keep our work on track to successfully deliver projects from day one.
Adding Docker orchestration with AWS Elastic Container Service
Adoption of containerization often comes with contract and security requirement concerns. We found success with AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS).
Don’t disrupt; contribute
As civic tech continues to blossom, we need a rulebook that understands how technology contributes and amplifies — not how it disrupts and replaces.