Supporting structural change for simple, effective government services

Delivering on our promise to the public
As a public benefit corporation, Nava has a fiduciary duty to our mission. We’re responsible to ourselves and the public for ensuring that critical government services are simple, effective, and accessible to all.
Meeting our mission is an opportunity to restore trust between people and public institutions. We focus on populations that are the least protected because the stakes are higher.
Tracking our impact
Our annual reports help keep us accountable. See how we measure up year over year.
Aligning to our mission
We select projects that:
Support populations under threat from institutional, economic, societal, or environmental pressures
Improve digital services for government programs and agencies
Build strong foundations so agencies stay responsive to continuous change

Prototyping policy and systems change
Nava Labs is a new, philanthropically-funded division within Nava focused on prototyping policy and systems changes within government programs and advocating for their adoption.