See our upcoming events
Open Source Social
Nava is excited to welcome all members of the open source community to our networking event. Hope to see you there!
Open Source Summit: Advancing IT Solutions in Federal Health and Beyond
Join us for a handful of lightning talks and panel discussions on what’s next for open source in the civic tech space.
Improving every level of service delivery
Nava launches the 2024 Public Benefit Report! Join us for a presentation and panel discussion.
Nava Labs Demo Day Two
The Nava Labs team will share early experiments with applying AI capabilities to research-driven opportunities for supporting benefit navigators.
(Un)Official AWS PSS Welcome Reception
You're invited to our (un)official Amazon Web Services Public Sector Summit welcome reception!
NYC Civic Tech Networking Hour
Join us for networking in New York for people working or interested in civic technology and government technology.
Bridging the gap between policy and implementation in academia
How university programs in public policy and administration might offer students a foundation that bridges policymaking and policy implementation.
Nava Labs Demo Day One
The team will share early experiments with applying AI capabilities to a set of research-driven use cases for supporting benefit navigators.
Helping families access public benefits with AI and automation
Join us for a panel discussion about the future of AI in government and a light lunch.
Legacy modernization: Optimizing for value, not trends
Nava launches the 2023 Public Benefit Report! Join us for a panel discussion and reception.
WIC Participant Recertification Portal Demo Day 2
During this demo day, we will share a demonstration of the participant recertification portal and staff review portal.
How to use LinkedIn and other social media to attract recruiters
Learn more about using LinkedIn and other social media platforms to connect job seekers with recruiters.
WIC Participant Recertification Portal Demo Day 1
Nava envisions a future where digital tools make it easier for families to receive benefits through WIC
Fireside chat with "Hack Your Bureaucracy" authors Marina Nitze and Nick Sinai
Nava CEO Rohan Bhobe hosts authors of "Hack Your Bureaucracy" for a fireside chat on tactics for successful delivery of government digital services.
Learning Session: Plain language
Learn and share best practices for writing about WIC in plain language for use on websites, outreach materials, and participant-facing technology.
Building trust through equitable research practices
Join us for a talk about equitable research practices at Civic Design 2022
Becoming a civic designer: Making the move from private to public sector
Join us for a discussion about making the move from private to public sector at Civic Design 2022
Civic Design 2022: Designing the unseen
Join us for a discussion about enabling institutions to build public trust at Civic Design 2022
WIC Demonstration Day Three
Nava PBC and the state of Montana will host our third webinar to share progress and learnings of our demonstration project.
WIC Demonstration Day Two
Nava PBC and the state of Montana will host our second webinar to share progress and learnings of our demonstration project.
Office Hours - WIC Technology for a better WIC experience
Learn how Montana is using human-centered design and technology to make WIC more accessible, and how you could apply that to upcoming grant funding.
Progress takes work
Public trust is harder to earn than ever. Experts in government, civic tech, and academia discuss thinking long-term and being active stewards.
Learning Session: Measurement and data-driven implementation
Learn and share best practices for measuring the progress and success of your technology project in achieving desired program outcomes.
WIC Demonstration Day One
Nava and the state of Montana will host our first webinar to share progress and learnings of our demonstration project.
Envision the Future: Lifting the time tax
Join us for a panel discussion on what it takes to make interactions with government less of a burden.
Learning Session: User research
Learning Session: User Research
Learning Session: Modularity
Learn and share about barriers and opportunities for WIC innovation, focusing on how modularity and interoperability can improve access.