State Portfolio
Building a flexible paid family and medical leave program with API technology
We partnered with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to develop an API layer that connects disparate systems.
Communicating the successes of state unemployment insurance programs
We worked with the U.S. Department of Labor on a report that outlines how states are using federal funding to modernize unemployment insurance.
Leveraging user research to improve unemployment insurance delivery
We partnered with the Department of Labor on a user research initiative aimed at providing states with human-centered modernization recommendations.
Delivering a human-centered claimant portal for New Jersey unemployment insurance
We used agile development and API technology to help the State of New Jersey revamp its unemployment insurance claimant portal.
Building a multilingual paid family and medical leave experience
We partnered with Massachusetts to help deliver a paid family and medical leave (PFML) application experience in a total of five languages.
Applying user research to improve access to unemployment benefits in New Jersey
Nava is leveraging user research to help the New Jersey Department of Labor make its UI technology more accessible, flexible, and resilient.
Building trust with the public through unemployment claim transparency
We're helping the U.S. Department of Labor with an initiative to catalyze state-level unemployment insurance modernization projects.
Using a pilot to minimize risk and rapidly deliver new services
Using pilots to minimize risk, Nava support the launch of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' new Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) program.
Observations from successful integrated eligibility and enrollment projects
Working on integrated benefits systems with Vermont, California, and other states has highlighted a few key strategies for success.
To quickly help people in a crisis, start with user research
Starting with user research ensures that what you build will give people the help they need, when they need it.
Rapidly building unemployment services during the pandemic
Nava partnered with the State of California to build two cloud-based digital services for their unemployment benefits program, in just three months.
Integrating eligibility and enrollment, one piece of software at a time
Nava created flexible and reusable software and design components to help make it easier for Vermonters to access their benefits.