Continuous improvement
Improving products with small, incremental experiments
We offer a framework for agile, data-driven experiments to align delivery teams.
Nava's Delivery Organization appraised at CMMI maturity level 3
Our Delivery Organization's work and processes have received the highest form of third-party validation.
Designing government programs that last
How vendors can work with government partners to build internal capacity, empowering agencies to hone and maintain systems in the future.
Twelve years of
Reflections on the initial launch and how it was the catalyst for a new era of government technology.
Envision the Future: Paid family and medical leave
Policy, technology, and government experts discuss the future of implementing paid family and medical leave programs across the nation.
Learning Session: Modularity
Learn and share about barriers and opportunities for WIC innovation, focusing on how modularity and interoperability can improve access.
Outcomes that matter: Using metrics to measure your program
When metrics strategies align with program goals, you know you’re measuring outcomes that matter to your program, partners, and the people you serve.
Rapidly building unemployment services during the pandemic
Nava partnered with the State of California to build two cloud-based digital services for their unemployment benefit program, in just three months.
Supporting Veterans with virtual tele-hearings
During the pandemic, Nava partnered with VA to build virtual tele-hearings so that Veterans could have benefits hearings wherever they choose.
Integrating eligibility and enrollment, one piece of software at a time
Nava created flexible and reusable software and design components to help make it easier for Vermonters to access their benefits.
How to create a service blueprinting facilitation guide
This guide will help you create a service blueprint to better understand a service, unite teams, and identify opportunities for improvement.